Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Escape- of the war, or of death?

Escape by Robert Graves

Here's a picture of all the thoughts and notes I jotted down after reading it a couple of times. Hopefully later I'll be able to expand upon this.

I'm not sure in this poem if Graves wishes to escape from death, to survive, or if he wishes to escape from the war. I mean, he describes "Hell", and it doesn't seem to be that good of a place, but then he also describes it in a war-like manner- by this I mean that he has the same emotions as if he were in war. He doesn't like the army- all of his army weapons were taken away from him, and he's helpless: he doesn't want to "die for any one". I also noticed that there were parallels between him entering Hell and him undergoing treatment at a hospital, which is interesting. Anyways, these were my interpretations.

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